Monthly Archives: April, 2012

Special Legislation Update

I write to update you again on the status of my swearing-in and taking my seat on the Board of Selectmen, and to provide further details about the status of the legislative process involved.

Presently the Special Act legislation – filed by Governor Patrick at the request of Senator Marc Pacheco last Tuesday, April 10th and designated H 4032 – is in the Joint Committee on Elections Laws, where it awaits approval by the members of that body. Per the Joint Committee’s legislative aide, it is hoped that their approval will come by the end of the week. From there the legislation will proceed to the House and then the Senate for their approval, and then back to the Governor’s desk for signing into law.

Accordingly, it appears unlikely that I will be able to take my seat on the Board of Selectmen before Town Meeting commences on Monday. While I am very eager to begin my duties as your Selectman, I ran on a platform of adherence to policies and procedures, and the legislative approval process is a necessary precursor to my assuming office.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank Senator Marc Pacheco and his Chief of Staff Mary Wasylyk, Representative Susan Williams Gifford and her legislative aide Heather Leosz, Joint Committee on Elections Laws aide Jared McConnell, and Senate President Therese Murray’s local aide Monica Mullin for tracking the bill, keeping me informed of developments, and also taking the time to educate me on the legislative process about which I previously knew far less than I should have. I also thank Acting Town Administrator Derek Sullivan for his recent inquiries on my behalf, and the four current members of the Board of Selectmen as well for doing the work of five until I can be seated.

To conclude, I reiterate that this is the process that must be followed. While of course I want to begin service as soon as possible, I am fully satisfied that the timeline is borne of necessity and circumstance and that the legislative process, albeit lengthier than hoped, is entirely transparent and fair.